quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2007

O Clima de Amanhã é o Desafio de Hoje.

"Life depends on the warm of the sun being trapped by a layer of gases that surround the Earth. We now produce so much of these heat-trapping gases that the layer is getting thicker, heating the world, changing our climate and threatening our way of life. As the world gets hotter, the climate will change and some of the extreme effects we have witnessed will become more frequent, making our planet a more hostile place to live. If we could see the gases, the causes of the problem would be obvious to everyone. And if you could see the effects we are having on our planet you would do something about it. The solution exists and it’s not too late to make a difference but we have to act now, today. Governments, industries and individuals acting together to tackle the problem. For more information and to get involved visit climatechallenge.gov.uk.
Tomorrow’s climate is today’s challenge."

@ www.climatechallenge.gov.uk

Bio i9 Staff

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Blogue muito interessante! Apela, de uma forma diversificada, para a protecção do ambiente. Era bom que trabalhos como estes tivesses mais divulgação online... talvez estes apelos começassem a surtir mais efeitos...